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Table of contents

  1. What’s gwt-log?
  2. Dependency
  3. Connect it with our application

What’s gwt-log?

Back in the early days of GWT, there was no logging framework and so gwt-log was introduced. Old projects may still stay on gwt-log, because it takes much time to migrate to another framework. Slf4GWT likes to make the transition much more easy and so we implemented a compatibiliy layer.

The idea is to add our gwtlog jar to your project and configure slf4gwt. Then your old gwt-log calls work as before, but use the new slf4gwt framework. Then you can move one class after another to slf4gwt and remove the gwtlog compatibility layer in the end.



Connect it with our application

Normally you should already have the gwt-log.jar file in our classpath and to connect our compatibility layer with your application, you have to remove the gwt-log jar first. Additionally you can comment out the old gwt-log configuration in your gwt.xml file.

Your IDE should show you many errors, because the gwt-log Log class is missing in our classpath.

Now you can connect the compatibility layer by putting one inherit line to our gwt.xml file.

<inherits name="com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.gwt-log"/>

After the changes, your IDE should go back to a almost normal state. Maybe there are some minor issue, like the UncaughtExceptionHandler, but this can be fixed easily.

After these changes you are ready to switch all logging to slf4gwt and can still have some old gwt-log log messages in our code.